ncbi_properties: Attribute and property terms for NCBI.
A vocabulary is always identified by its short name and sometimes it may offer multiple sub-vocabularies with different names. Both are listed below.
Short Name | ncbi_properties |
Vocabulary Name(s) | ncbi_properties |
Description | Attribute and property terms for NCBI. |
Number of Terms Loaded on This Site | 472 |
Click the + icon (if present) to expand the tree. If the full ontology or the term heirarchy is not loaded into this site, then the tree will consist of all terms at the same level. For some vocabularies, only a subset of terms are loaded
- lab host [ncbi_properties:lab_host]
- last meal [ncbi_properties:last_meal]
- latitude and longitude [ncbi_properties:lat_lon]
- life stage [ncbi_properties:life_stage]
- light intensity [ncbi_properties:light_intensity]
- light type [ncbi_properties:light_type]
- links to additional analysis [ncbi_properties:link_addit_analys]
- link to classification information [ncbi_properties:link_class_info]
- link to climate information [ncbi_properties:link_climate_info]
- liver disorder [ncbi_properties:liver_disord]
- local classification [ncbi_properties:local_class]
- local classification method [ncbi_properties:local_class_meth]
- local-scale environmental context [ncbi_properties:env_local_scale]
- magnesium
- major diet change in last six months [ncbi_properties:diet_last_six_month]
- maternal health status [ncbi_properties:maternal_health_stat]
- mating type [ncbi_properties:mating_type]
- mean friction velocity [ncbi_properties:mean_frict_vel]
- mean peak friction velocity [ncbi_properties:mean_peak_frict_vel]
- mechanical damage [ncbi_properties:mechanical_damage]
- medical history performed [ncbi_properties:medic_hist_perform]
- medication code [ncbi_properties:ihmc_medication_code]
- menarche
- menopause
- methane